Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Welcome to Wednesdays With Andrew (and kinda Tua, today, though let's be honest babies can't really do much. I mean they're cute, but practical? no, not especially).

Today we cover some new (newish) music from all around the world, from the bands The Real Mckenzies, The OBGMs, Duck's Ranch and IDLES. But don't worry, we got plenty of old shit, too! So, what are you waiting for, go listen, NOW:

Liner notes:


  • 1Scab on my brain by RKL
  • 2Panthers in the night by Rough Francis
  • 3Death of the Winnipeg Scene by The Real McKenzies
  • 4I got abducted by a UFO by The Lillingtons
  • 5Deadhead by Teen Idles
  • 6Ufo by Duck's Ranch
  • 7The wrong part by Freygolo
  • 8Ne touche pas moi by IDLES
  • 9Old Yeah, Jaded maybe, Bitter by choice by Pinhead Circus
  • 10Take a chance on me by The Gamits
  • 11Not Again by The OBGMs
  • 12Braindrops by Tropical Fuck Storm
  • My Teen Mortgage shirt just came in today, and it is tight! like a toiger. Go support local bands, guys, they need it now more than ever

Here's all the new (newish) albums we talked about and played today, give 'em a spin if you dug the tracks:

IDLES, Ultra Mono

The Real McKenzies, Beer and Loathing

Duck's Ranch, Tony Duck's Pro Skater vol 2

The OBGMs, The Ends 

Annnnnd here's an older one, but if you don't know it, go check it out. One of my most worn out CDs in high school:  Freygolo, (Sur)prize fool 


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